Bruno Latour at the University of Leicester – „Business on an Anthropocene Earth“
Here is the video of of the Public Lecture of Bruno Latour that was held in Leicester on the 3rd of June:
Kritische Organisationsforschung
a personal blog dedicated to the critical analysis of management, work and organization
Here is the video of of the Public Lecture of Bruno Latour that was held in Leicester on the 3rd of June:
Labor Process Theory is one of the most prominent critical approaches in Management and Organization Studies. The 37th International Labour Process Conference will be held in Vienna from 24-26 April. You can find the...
Hier der Hinweis auf einen spannenden Call for Abstracts zum Thema „Ökonomie und Ideologie“ für das Jahrbuch „Ökonomie und Gesellschaft“, Band 2020: „Ökonomie und Ideologie“ – herausgegeben von Wenzel Matiaske (Helmut-Schmidt-Universität / Universität der...
[reblogged from Employment Relations] Neuerscheinung: Schwerpunktheft der Zeitschrift Industrielle Beziehungen „Solidarität in der Arbeitswelt“, herausgegeben von Karina Becker, Ulrich Brinkmann und Stephan Voswinkel Aus dem Editorial der Herausgeber*innen: „Solidarität ist zweifellos ein, wenn nicht...
CALL FOR PAPERS FOR A SPECIAL ISSUE OF ORGANIZATION ‘Theoretical Perspectives on Organizations and Organizing in a Post-Growth Era’ Guest Editors Bobby Banerjee, Cass Business School, City University of London, UK John Jermier, University...
The final three articles of our Special Issue on „Post-Growth Organizations“ are published now. Many thanks to all the contributors and the reviewers! For more information follow the link: The first part of...
„[T]he notion of post-growth organizations tries to capture both the fissures of the growth narrative in the existing capitalism as well as the utopian energies of alterna- tive forms of work and organization actively ...
For anyone interested in the relation of popular culture and the world of work and organization as well as some aspects of its research, this video with Mark Learmonth is a good starting point:...
Another interesting case study about about market pressure, scaling up of coops and the conflict between democratic management and commercial success. Pansera, Mario/Rizzi, Francesco (2018): Furbish or perish: Italian social cooperatives at a crossroads....
Between ‘staying alternative’ and ‘going mainstream’ … Audebrand, L. (2017). Expanding the scope of paradox scholarship on social enterprise: the case for (re)introducing worker cooperatives. M@n@gement, vol. 20,(4), 368-393. doi:10.3917/mana.204.0368. Abstract. Over the...
An interesting study about downsizing, it’s discursive construction through companies and media and the enforcement of a ‚management-by-fear‘: Pynnönen, Anu; Takala, Tuomo (2018): The Discursive Dance: The Employee Co-operation Negotiations as an Arena for...
The „Society of the Spectacle“ reloaded. Free access to the e-book: Abstract Spectacle 2.0 recasts Debord’s theory of spectacle within the frame of 21st century digital capitalism. It offers a reassessment of Debord’s...