Artikel: Personalwirtschaft und Ideologieproduktion

In der Zeitschrift ‚management revue‘ (Ausgabe 4/2011) wurde ein interessanter Artikel von Werner Nienhüser: „Empirical Research on Human Resource Management as a Production of Ideology“ veröffentlicht. Unter Auswertung unterschiedlicher Quellen wird die empirische Personalforschung in ihrer Gesamtheit, als ‚collective body of statements‘ einem ideologiekritischen Blick unterworfen. Zusammenfassend heißt es – auch mit einem Seitenblick auf die Situation der Critical Management Studies in Deutschland:

„(1) HRM research mainly follows employer objectives; it primarily analyses, directly or indirectly, performance-related variables. (2) The surveyed HR practices have a clear focus on “High Performance Works Systems” (systems with comparatively favourable attributes for the employees). (3) Critical analyses that either distance themselves
from profit-oriented business goals or employer objectives or which are neutral
towards them are rather rare, specifically employee-oriented research is hardly to be
found anymore. Studies analogous to Critical Management Studies are practically nonexistent in the German-speaking area. All in all there is nothing that indicates that the political spectrum in German-language empirical HRM research is characterised by
plurality, as we find in Great Britain, even though it is not particularly strong there. (4)
It is mostly the organisational elite that is surveyed as personnel. (5) This group also
controls the access to information and provides information about the situation in
companies“ (Nienhüser 2011, S.388).

Warum dies so ist (S.390) – dies ist dann die naheliegende und zu diskutierende Frage …

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