Network for Critical Studies of Global Capitalism

The Network for Critical Studies of Global Capitalism was established at the International Conference on ‘Global Capitalism and Transnational Class Formation’, which took place in Prague on September 16-18,  2011. Sponsored by the Centre of Global Studies (Prague), the Global Studies Association of North America, and the International Sociological Association Research Committee RC02 (Economy and Society), this was the first international conference devoted to transnational capitalist class (TCC) theory and global class formation. Over the past decade a growing body of work has established TCC theory as an important theoretical approach for examining global capitalism. The conference set out to provide a place to share research, debate and explore this newly emerging network of scholars and activists focused around global capitalism and transnational class analysis. Around 70 scholars from 20 countries came to Prague from Western, Central and Eastern Europe, Russia, North and South America, Australia, China, Hong Kong, Japan, S. Korea, Turkey and Iran.“

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